“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
The world has gotten really intense these past couple of years – are you feeling it too? When our minds and bodies vibrate at a higher frequency, we feel good mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. We’re able to enjoy the things we want more easily with a sense of peace and well-being. So, how can we raise our vibrational frequency? Don’t worry there are easy ways to change that – here’s a short list that I’ve compiled to help you through these times.
1- gratitude! always come back to the things you’re grateful for. Today I’m grateful for rising tides that lift all boats!
2- eat raw food as much as possible especially anything that grows above ground like berries and fruits. Eating high raw foods is called spiritual nutrition for a reason and will they ever raise your vibration
3- earthing! yes you heard that right! its the practice of walking outside barefoot and soaking in the earth’s energy.
4- practice daily conscious breathing
5- pure love- always respond to life with love in your heart and you will raise your vibration and that of everyone who surrounds you
6- forgiveness – it can be the most difficult thing to do- especially when you’ve been hurt deeply. Keep in mind its about you and letting go of the stuff that doesn’t serve you. Forgiveness is the process of coming back to divine and pure Love!
7- movement – your body was meant to move. Dance, walk, garden- do what brings you pleasure and feel a spark of joy!
8- be mindful of your inner dialogue – what you focus on multiplies so practice affirmations daily and reverse the negative self talk
9- hug someone
10- laugh, play, have fun and bring out your inner child!